Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Defending a flag (two ways)

This article will combine a few things that I see go wrong pretty often certainly by ranged dps.

Protecting a flag (when the coast looks clear)

Retri pala's (potential bubble as trinket) Shamans with magma totems, hunters with flares anything with a pet, try to stand  2 seconds away from the flag and put your pet/ totems (magma) near it. They need atleast 2 people. To ninja, and most likly after their first attempt their cc's are diminished and they blew cd's like smokebomb. Which should allow enough time on any battleground for someone to assist you the moment you call incs. 

The 2 seconds are of course for rogues that try to sap you and immediately try to cap. If you stand too close to the flag they have enough time to cap, by forcing your trinket and than blind you. Don't stand away to far, because the moment he has a helper you should be close to aoe. (this doesn't count of course if you are in combat so hug that flag the moment you are in combat, and reposition again when out of combat)

Protecting a flag (when the shit hits the fan)

Mostly at the beginning of the fight - say you got lucky and got WW  - its often a complete mayhem around the flag. The leader or assistant will call out targets but there immediately is an immobility problem. We all want to prevent them from (ninja)capping but you also want to kill the targets that are called for. This is where pure logic comes in handy.

In the situation described above. its clear that melee's suffer most from immobility. They cant stand at both the flag and chase a target (that will probably kite them away from the flag). But ranged dps can do this easily. The best spot for ranged DPS in such a situation is of course to hug the flag. (note: you cant be sapped since you are in combat). Anyone that comes close gets aoe'ed. Furthermore the enemy most be super coordinated and aware of your trinkets to pull off a ninja cap than. In the meanwhile the melee's should be able to chase, snare and stun targets that are called in order for everybody to kill it.

Imprint this in your brains because last time it were the melee's that were defending the flag preventing us all from outputting more damage on the targets called. So if your are ranged dps and the above occurs hug that flag and let the mellee chase.

I saw someone saying but I rather stand aside and do a blizzard. My opinion is that this is very wrong because of 2 things. 
1) Not only are you not in the epicentre of the flag and thus your effective range around the flag is limited.
2) Your blizzard can also be extremely easily kicked silenced or interrupted by anyone, which leads to 2 even bigger problems.
  • You are not in range to arcane nova, potentially forcing melee's to do your job.
  • Even worse your main talent tree "frost" is disabled, which can easily make you a prime target that can't ice block. Just a garotte and some damage and you are a sitting duck.

Just a word about chasing targets. 
Rbg's are not about outputting the most damage or killing the most targets. Its nice if it happens but the only objective is to win by capping and keeping flags. So don't get lured away from a flag you are guarding, just because you want that kill. I have seen it a few times tonight.

If you are assigned to a flag or you happen to  guard one and you are out of a trinket, let your team know that someone should assist you. It's obvious that anyone with a pet has the advantage

Bones =)

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