Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Addons to have

Hereunder follows a list of addons that will greatly increase your game awareness. I recommend you try them out in a normal battleground before stepping in to a rbg. Of course if you have other addons that supply the same sort of information, be my guest all I know is that this is what works great for me. (edit: in red below are the ones that are vital for doing a better job, in the comments is extra info on lose control and diminishing returns)

  1. battleground targets
  2. carbonite
  3. deminishing returns
  4. interruptbar
  5. killthehealer
  6. omni cc
  7. lose control
 Herunder follow the same addons but with some extra info

  1. battleground targets (must have)
    1. This Addon is vital in rbg's since it directly shows who you are up against. Make sure you set it up so you can see the classes, specs and who is carrying the flag.
    2. Another advantage is that you can see the moment they re spawn or when someone is hiding (sneaky rogues druids). very important!
  2. Carbonite (optional)
    1.  Although this is mainly a quest helper. It also has a great mini map for battlegrounds showing timers on flags where your team mates are (with their names, optional). And even more it shows very clearly where people are fighting. 
  3. Diminishing returns (if you don't have this or something similar, your CC is based on luck)
    1.  This is one of the things all people tend to forget. And if you don't have it, set up asap because this is a game maker. In a nut shell, all forms of cc have diminishing returns. Meaning: the first time you use for instance a fear the effect is full, but if you fear again within 15 seconds the effect is deminished (1/2) and the third time its even worse (1/4) not to mention a 4 time the target is immune.
    2. Now if you consider that quite some spells - although they are different - have a shared diminishing return (i.e. fear and blind). You can imagine how impossible it will be for you to keep track of effective cc's when you are with 4 people that are all trying to cc. This addon Shows you How effective the following cc is and how much time is left on a cc for it to have full effect again, instead of diminished.
    3. If you try to set this up, you need to be in combat unfortunately. So try a training dummy. /w me if you have troubles setting it up.
  4. interruptbar (are you a caster?)
    1. If you are a caster,  you should be fake casting if its appropriate. But how do you know when you can freely cast? This addons directly shows you. If you were able to fake cast and trigger a kick and you were successful, it shows you the symbol of the "kick" spell and a timer until the next is ready.
  5. killthehealer (optional)
    1.  This or addon, (comes in many similar forms) gives enemy healers a special mark above their head so you know which enemy should be your prime. (healers often are)
  6. omni cc (very usefull)
    1.  This addons shows a more precise timer on your spells. Nothing more nothing less. Great for communicating, and setting up bursts or cc chains. (note this is no subsitute for loose control or diminishing returns)
  7. lose control (lightweight and SUPER useful)
    1.  This addon Is just as vital as diminishing returns. It shows on your main and focus target if they are cc'ed and what spell it is and how much time left. Make the spells a bit bigger so you never ever have to excuse again for screwing up a sheep or a blind. (saw one tonight again) And in combination with diminishing returns you know if you should better kidney or dance and sap next.
If you have troubles setting these addons up you can /w me if I am around.

Bones =)

P.s. All the addons mentioned above can be downloaded from curse.com I also recommend using the curse client to keep up to date and save you from unzipping and other crap.


  1. Right, Charry here. I've read all of this stuff (read up from tacs down to the mod section). One question about the mods: do I really need to pick up "Diminishing returns" and "lose control" if I got OmniCC?

    Carbonite brings me a lot of chat spam and I couldn't really clean up that map so I could actually make proper use of it, so I gave up on it. If you think it's vital that I use it, I will go ahead an learn how to configure it so it's easier to use, but right now, the zone map it provides didn't really help me.

    Gonna try out interruptbar and see how it works with my current UI.

    I appreciate you taking the time to post all this stuff, hopefully it will make a difference.

  2. Hi charry, thaks for replying.

    diminishing returns and loose control do something completely different. So no they are not substitutes they are required for anyone that wants to do a decent job. And sure some fools will say I am pro and dont need it. I am curious how they cope with shared deminishing returns in rbg's ;-) unlkess your god or have a similar addon you can't

    Loose control Shows On your Target/focus What CC he is affected by. So say your teammember casted a poly on a shaman you target, it than shows a nice Polymorphs symbol in the UI + a countdown. Than you directly know how many seconds are left on this polymorph. This allows you to chain CC, but It also prevents you from breaking CC's which unfortunately happens a lot.
    Take a blind for instance. The default wow effect you see is very minimal not to mention the default buff timer is very tiny. This addon directly shows a nice big (adjustable) symbol + countdown so you can never destroy a cc ever. And it allows you to perfectly chain a cc. How cool is that.

    Diminishing returns is also a completely different addon. As said, all cc's have a diminishing return. This is why you would seldom see a rogue open with a cheapshot followed directly by a kidney shot. Because the kidney shot is diminished (1/2 effect). making it kinda worthless.
    Or a blind directly after a fear or vice versa. On wowwiki you can see in what class a cc falls. If you are in a team that falls in the same cc class (all rbg teams do) you need a way to track these shared diminishing returns. Without such information these addons give, pretty much all attempts to cc someone are based on luck, certainly in big fights around a flag.

    This addon Gives you the insight default wow doesn't. And can Inform you (visual, colors + timer) that its better to wait with a fear for 2 seconds to give it the full effect it deserves. Trust me the moment you get used to this addon, and I can help you set it up You will noticed in battlegrounds what a mess it is. people just fear freeze blind stun pommel etc based on nothing but their own will, but without the info that is needed to make it a Full cc. That's why I kinda laugh here and than (you wont hear that in vent), because i hear people say why didn't my [insert CC here] land. If i than look and see the cc class fully red I know they have no idea what they are doing. ;-)

    Hope this helps, let me know if you wanna setup diminishing returns thats a bit tricky since you need to be in combat and the simulation mode is very short. But ones dne you never ever have to touch it and you can enjoy the added value in rbg's tol barad arena duels etc etc.

  3. About carbonite,
    It's quite a huge addon if I am honest, but I havent found similar ones that provided me that info, being: Where is everyone. which bases we got/ time left to recap and where are people fighting. All I know is if I press M I get a Huge map, and if I press M again it's smaller. YOu can adjust the size and the position of it. But since it originally is a quest helper you need to make sure its not tracking quests (purple and a green bullet above the quets toggle those off).

    This addon isn't that vital really if you just go where you are told to. But I really like to have insight of what is going on in the field in the form of a decent minimap. But i am sure there are loads of other prolly more lightweight map addons out there that might do the same. But if you dont like it ditch it :) But diminishing returns and loose control really are must haves in arena and bg's

  4. Right, you've convinced me. Well I'm going to install 'lose control' and 'diminishing returns' now and configure them later on, when i get to play (I really don't want to start now, shitload of exams inc lol). I'll keep carbonite in my mind (currently my UI is very cluttered, so anything that would make it seem even more cluttered brings up doubts about its usage).
