Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Attacking a static flag

This is just a short post which will be modified later
Attacking a static flag is pretty often done by rogues and druids or even better a combo of those two.
They should both set up the cap. A simple sap cyclone/blind should do.
Keep in mind this only works good with one enemy target. The more there are the harder it will be certainly if they have read " defending a flag "  =)

If you keep that in mind the following should not come as a surprise. Say you are in "eots" and already got 2 bases (FR/BT). The best way to ninja cap another base (MT) is to send a Whole bunch of guys to another one (DR). This should build enough presure to lure away enemies from the other base (MT). See example below.
This tactic is often ruined because people don't stick to the tower assigned to them and try to assist on the one that needs to be ninja capped. (remember last night's fight? yes 2 of you were also at mt =)

In case this attack doesn't work because there were simply to many at MT and/or there was too little pressure at DR, It might be wise to go stealth, and  sap at MT and  give the impression that you are still at MT and go back to DR to assist.

 But incase the situation is not as perfect as described above. And there are non stealthers at a flag that needs to be capped. Try to always lure em away from the flag. "eots" is perfect for that just run behind the building or jump down. If you see they are being easily lured its should be so easy to cap that flag. So if you are a non stealther and a stealther is near, Lure em away and let the sneaky peeps cap the flag. (edit: Same at WW if you see your stealther at the flag and you come from the water and you think you can lure em, don't move to the flag but away from it, a lot of players are happy to be kited, credits for the cap are yours than :-)

Bones =)

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