Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Whether its in arena or rbg's bad communicating leads to chaos and not chaos bolts.
Since there are 10 people in an rbg the things spoken about should be limited to what is crucial and there should be someone leading and someone assisting.

Vocal communication
When saying anything make those words count. Using general directions as "attack opposite base", "kill the healer, boomkin whatever ", "help" easily lead to confusion, which leads to chaos, which could lead to a loss.

Take the lead or listen
The moment you start in an rbg everyone should listen to the leader and leave the chit chat outside.
The leader on the other hand should precisely say what will be the plan and who does what. Moreover the leader should assign someone as his assistant, to take over his task, when the leader dies or the group splits.

Calling Targets
Although assist macro's are nice,.. in addition its valuable that people know who to switch to as the next target. This allows them to keep certain spells save or save combo points to redirect later.

When calling targets one should give the name and the class. Its only 2 words and its not that hard. This way your team members have 2 things that can help em.
I.e ("Kill the Mage, XMO",...... when he is almost down, "Next one is etc")

Keep the chat clear on these big fights do not repeat stuff for the sake of repetition if you are not the leader.

If the group splits, say in a defensive group and an offensive group (i.e twin peaks). It would be ideal if The assist and leader are split too. More on this at the part about visual communication.

What to say
need assistance 3 man inc (classes), lost your trinket when you guarding, attack a specific tower, attack name class, Which direction the FC or EFC runs, If a rogue/druid shows or hides (eyes on the rogue) And anything that actually increases the game awareness.

Visual communication

marking lead and assist
As already mentioned:
If the group splits, say in a defensive group and an offensive group (i.e twin peaks). It would be ideal if The assist and leader are split too. To make this more clear it would be nice if they both got a raid sign.
Say Skull and Cross

marking Healers
marking the healers will of course add to the game awareness since their position is more visible. That way they can be more easily protected than instead looking at nameplates and manapools.
Propper markers would be the diamonts and the triangle.

marking the tank
As far as I can see leaders and tanks will often be the same. but in case they are not the Square would be a nice raid icon.

To conclude
 What counts in the end is that ventrilo and the raid symbols add to game awareness. mixing up signs and chaos in vent are to be prevented. After a while when the same team plays long enough together one will recognize voices, but never assume people know who you are when you talk. Always be precise when you shout out something. Of course leaders and chicks are earlier recognized since they speak the most. =)

Bones =) 

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